Venison Stew

I have shared a lot of stew recipes such as: Burger Stew ,  Pork Stew .
I usually get asked how to make something with Venison. One of my stand bys is Venison Stew in the crock pot or the cast iron bean pot on the wood stove. 

Add to the crock or stew pot
1 lb. Venison Cubes, fresh or frozen, uncooked and 1 large onion

2 qts of canned potatoes-this is what I have in my pantry but you can use canned from the store or fresh(add to crock and cook until soft)

1 cup of corn, frozen, fresh, canned

1 qt. tomato/okra mix (optional)
1 qt green beans
1 qt tomato sauce
2 tbls of Montreal Steak Seasoning

3/4-1 qt water-add enough to finish filling the pot 

Turn crock on high and cook for about 3-4 hrs..or longer if the meat is tough.
***Idea....put together the night before and turn on before leaving for work then come home for lunch to turn it off or down to low should still be warm upon your return in the evening.Note you could just leave on low all day will have the same effect......

