Sweet Potato Wedges

1 Very large sweet potato or 2 large size sweet potatoes
1/2 c olive oil 
1-2 Tbs Montreal Steak Seasoning

Cut up the sweet potatoes into 1/4 inch wedges about 2 inches long.
Put in a microwave bowl.
Put in microwave to soften for about 5 mins then stir and return for 
another 5 mins...if soft move onto next step...if not stir and another 
5 mins until they are soft. Not melting ...fork soft-poke a fork through
them with ease.

Ok next step drizzle your olive oil over the top of potatoes along with
the seasoning. Stir carefully so all the potatoes are covered in oil & seasoning.

Dump into oven safe baking pan 13x9 will do.
Broil (450*) for about 15-20 mins.

These are not going to be crispy they will be sticky soft.



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